Alison is a licensed massage therapist and Usui Reiki master. She offers therapeutic and relaxation massage as well as deep tissue, chair and sports massage. She specializes in oncology massage and Active Isolated Stretching (AIS), a great way to restore lost range-of-motion. She is nationally certified with the NCBTMB and is a member of the ABMP (Association of Bodywork and Massage Professionals). Alison is a graduate of Smith College and completed her massage training at the Salter School in November 2006. She trained with Tracy Walton, a well known specialist in massage therapy and cancer care, in 2009. In 2010 she trained with Dr. Ben Benjamin in Active Isolated Stretching.
In 2012 she completed training in EFT and treatment for chronic headaches.
She has been interested in the mind-body connection since she started practicing yoga and noticed that certain postures brought out or released certain emotions. That interest lead her to Reiki and eventually, to massage. Through massage and Reiki and other modalities she hopes to help people to feel better, heal themselves when needed, and possibly even encourage them in other health practices that might be helpful, such as yoga, qigong, or EFT. She is regularly pursuing continuing education, since she is fascinated to learn more about how the body works, and what we can do to help it function better.
Alison continues to keep her licensing and national certification active, including continuing education. She currently has a full-time job in the financial services industry and is doing massage part-time.